who we are
We are a community for the community, centered on Christ Alone.
Our mission is to enrich our community by sharing the hope of God’s unchanging truth as we build genuine, loving relationships.
As we continue to grow, there will be many opportunities for individuals to use their gifts to the glory of God. Whether it’s childcare, music, providing snacks, or just being a friendly face, there is a way for anyone to help. Our members have many diverse interests and gifts!
And we can guarantee there’s a place here for you too.
We believe that God solved mankind’s problem of sin by sending Jesus Christ into the world to live a perfect life in our place, die on the cross to pay for our sins, and rise from the dead to guarantee eternal life in heaven to all who believe.
We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, and thus the only objective source of truth in the world. The Bible is a book of good news, about how God designed and implemented his plan of salvation by sending Jesus to be our Savior. The Bible is the only place in the world we find this message of grace, and so the Bible is the ultimate authority for everything we believe, teach, and do.
As a church plant, the primary focus of Christ Alone is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many as we can. We aim to clarify questions, offer peace through the Word of God, and build a community where Christ is at the center. In order to serve the community effectively, our sister churches all around the country assist us in various ways so the mission church can start strong.
In addition to the support of our sister congregations, many members moved from different areas of the country to help start this church. From Wisconsin to Washington to Idaho, many have made personal sacrifices to help Christ Alone thrive and grow.
As we continue to grow, there will be many opportunities for individuals to use their gifts to the glory of God. Whether it’s childcare, music, providing snacks, or just being a friendly face, there is a way for anyone to help. Our members have many diverse interests and gifts!
And we can guarantee there’s a place here for you too.
what we believe
Christ Alone Lutheran is a part of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS.) Being part of a larger church body allows us to be part of ministries that extend far beyond our doorstep here in Southeast Idaho. The ministry of the WELS includes a robust worker training system, humanitarian aid efforts, and extensive mission work, both in North America and around the world. You can learn more about the work of our church body here.
meet the Pastor
Pastor Paul Krueger, his wife Heather, and their two sons Amos and Maxwell, moved to Idaho Falls from Milwaukee at the end of January 2024. Over the past year, they have enjoyed getting to explore the foothills and rivers in Idaho, as well as attending community events in their new home.
Paul grew up in Michigan, got his Bachelor’s degree at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN and graduated from the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2015 with a Masters in Divinity.
His first assignment into ministry was to Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Winchester, VA. In 2019, accepted a Call to be the school pastor at Mount Lebanon Lutheran Church and School in Milwaukee, WI. In 2023, he received the call to come plant a new mission church in the Idaho Falls area.
Paul loves hiking, fishing, and getting to know new people. “I especially look forward to sitting down with people to talk about what God has to say to us in His Word. I’m always more than happy to sit down and talk and pray with anyone about whatever’s on your mind. The coffee’s on me!”